عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 10-27-2019, 11:10 PM
الصورة الرمزية أم أبي التراب
أم أبي التراب أم أبي التراب غير متواجد حالياً
غفر الله لها
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2017
المشاركات: 4,260

المبحث الخامس

وقفات مع السلف الصالح
ـ كانوا رضوان الله عليهم يسارعون بالخيرات ، ويمتثلون للحق دون تردد ، وينتهون عن الباطل دون تردد ولا تسويف ذلك لأن قلوبهم أيقنت وأذعنت لقول الله جل وعلا ""مَّن كَانَ يُرِيدُ الْعَاجِلَةَ عَجَّلْنَا لَهُ فِيهَا مَا نَشَاءُ لِمَن نُّرِيدُ ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَا لَهُ جَهَنَّمَ يَصْلَاهَا مَذْمُومًا مَّدْحُورًا * وَمَنْ أَرَادَ الْآخِرَةَ وَسَعَى لَهَا سَعْيَهَا وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَأُولَئِكَ كَانَ سَعْيُهُم مَّشْكُورًا" . سورة الإسراء / آية : 18 ، 19 .
ـ وأيقنت وأذعنت لقول رـول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم:
* عن أنس قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " من كانت الآخرة همه جعل الله غناه في قلبه ، وجمع له شمله وأتته الدنيا وهي راغمة ، ومن كانت الدنيا همه جعل الله فقره بين عينيه ، وفرَّقَ شمله ، ولم يأته من الدنيا إلا ما قُدِّرَ له" . سنن الترمذي / تحقيق الشيخ الألباني ـ رحمه الله ـ / حديث رقم : 2465 / ص : 556 / صحيح .

ـ وكانو يشعرون مع كل هذا بأن أعمالهم ضئيلة لا تصلح أن يقفوا بها بين يدي الله جل وعلا وذلك لأنهم يعلمون أن النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ قال :
" لو أن رجلًا يُجر على وجهه من يوم وُلد إلى يوم يموت هَرَمًا في مرضاة الله تعالى لحقَره يوم القيامة " .رواه أحمد عن عتبة بن عبد . حسنه الشيخ الألباني ـ رحمه الله ـ في : صحيح الجامع ..... / الهجائي / ج : 2 / حديث رقم : 5249 / ص : 931 .

ـ وكل ذلك جعل قلوبهم رقيقة ودموعهم غزيرة من خشية الله تعالى :
* عن أنس رضي الله عنه قال : خطب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، خطبة ما سمعتُ مثلها قط قال :
" لو تعلمون ما أعلم لضحكتم قليلًا ولبكيتم كثيرًا " . فغطى أصحاب رسول الله وجوهَهُم لهم خنين .
صحيح البخاري . متون / ( 65 ) ـ كتاب : تفسير القرآن / ( 12 ) ـ باب : قوله " لا تسألوا عن أشياءَ إن تُبد لكم تسؤكم " سورة المائدة / آية : 101 / حديث رقم : 4621 / ص : 544 .
* عن هانئ مولى عثمانَ قال : كان عثمان بن عفانَ رضي الله عنه ، إذا وقف على قبر يبكي حتى يبُل لحيته ، فقيل له : تذكر الجنة والنار ! فلا تبكي ، وتبكي من هذا ؟ ! .
فقال : إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال :
"إن القبر أول منازِلِ الآخرةِ ، فإن نجا منه فما بعدَه أيسرَ منه ، وإن لم ينجُ منه فما بعدَه أشدُّ منه " .
قال : وقال رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم :
"ما رأيتُ منظرًا قطُّ إلا والقبرُ أفظعُ منه " .
سنن ابن ماجه / تحقيق الشيخ الألباني ـ رحمه الله ـ / ( 37 ) ـ كتاب : الزهد / ( 32 ) ـ باب : ذكر القبر والبلى / حديث رقم : 4267 / ص : 707 / حسن .

يروي سالم بن عبد الله ـ رحمه الله ـ أن عمر بن الخطـاب كان يُدخل يده في دَبَر ـ أي قرحة البعير : والمفرد الدبرة ـ البعير ويقول : إني لخائفٌ أن أُسأل عما بكِ .
خبر صحيح ، أخرجه ابن سعد وابن عساكرعن طريقه .
صحيح التوثيق في سيرة وحياة الفاروق عمر بن الخطاب / ص : 142 .
وكان ـ أي عمر بن الخطاب ـ يبكي من خشية الله تعالى ، وربما مرَّ بالآية من ورده بالليل فتخنقه ، فيبقى في البيت أيامًا ، يُعاد يحسبونه مريضًا !! خبر حسن لغيره . أخرجه أحمد في الزهد ، وابن عساكر .
صحيح التوثيق في سيرة وحياة الفاروق عمر بن الخطاب / ص : 142 .
The fifth topic.

Pauses with the righteous ancestors.

They were the satisfaction of God on them, hastening the good things. And they comply with the right without hesitation, and they end up being wrong without hesitation and don't justify it because their hearts are believing and bowing to the saying of Allah almighty and loudness" Whoever desires the quiuk_passing we readily grant him what we will for whom we like then afterwards we have appointed for him hell he will burn therein disgraced and rejected * And whoever desires the hereafter and strives for it with the necessary effort due for it while he is a believer then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated".Surah Al_Isra…."18 to 19".

And I was convinced and abreted to say: "May Allah bless him and grant him salvation":

*For Anas said: the messenger of god " May Allah bless him and grant him salvation" said: " Who was concern is afterlife, god made him sing in his heart.and he was reunited with him and the world came to him and it's unwilling, and whoever the world was interested in, God made his poverty between his eyes. And separate his reunion, and he didn't come from the world except what he was meant to do".

Sunnan Al_Tarmazi / Investigation by El_ Sheikh Al Albania "May God mercy him" / hadith number "2465" / page "556" / it's true.

And they felt, with all this, that their actions were minimal they can't stand it in the hands of God and that's because they know that the Prophet" May Allah bless him and grant him salvation" said: "If a man drags to the face from one day to the next he dies He grew old in his patients God almighty, to humiliate him resurrection day".

Narrated by Ahmed on otbaah ibn Abd,and He was corrected by el_ sheikh al_Albani " may God bless him " in the right collector……….../ el_heej'aaey / chapter "2" / hadith number "5249" / page "931".

And all of this made their hearts thin and their tears prolific from the fear of Allah Almighty.

*for Anas "god bless him" said: the messenger of god" May Allah bless him and grant him salvation" speech a sermon I've never heard like this before and he said:

"If you knew what I knew, you'd laugh a little and cry a lot". The companions of the Messenger of God covered their faces with a loud voice.

Hadith El_Bukhari. Muton / "65". book of:Interpretation of the Qur'an / "12" chapter his say "ask not about things which if made plain to you may cause you trouble" Surah Al_Madah."101". / hadith number "4621" / page " 544".

*About Hana associate Osman said: It was Othman ibn Afan" may God bless him" If he stood on a grave crying until he wet his beard,so he was told you remember paradise and fire and you don't cry, and you cry from this?

He said that the Messenger of Allah " May Allah bless him and grant him salvation" said: The tomb is the first of the afterlife houses.If he survives, and beyond, it's easier than it. And if he doesn't make it, then he's stronger than it".

said: and the Messenger of Allah " May Allah bless him and grant him salvation" said: "I've never seen a sight but the grave is worse than it is".

Sunnan Ibn Majah / Investigation by El_ Sheikh Al Albania "May God mercy him". / "37" book of: abstinence. / "32" chapter mention a grave and deterioration / hadith number "4267" / page "707" / it's true.

Narrates Salem Abn Abd Allah "May God mercy him"

That Omar ibn al-Khatb was getting his hand into the back of camel and he says I'm afraid to ask what's wrong with you?

True news, taken out by Ibn Saad and Ibn Askar through him.

It is true that the documentation in the biography and life of Al-Faruq Omar bin Khattab / page "142".

Omar ibn al-Khattab was crying out of fear of Allah Almighty, and maybe he passed through the verse of his warde at night and strangled him, so he stays at home for days and they think he is sick.

Good news for others. Ahmed took him out in abstinence, and Ibn Asaker.

It is true that the documentation in the biography and life of Al-Faruq Omar bin Khattab / page "142".

يقص علينا أبو رافع ـ رضي الله عنه ـ فيقول كان أبو لؤلؤة عبدًا للمغيرة بن شعبة ـ وكان مجوسيًّا ـ ، وكان يصنع الأرحاء ـ جمع رَحَا ، وهي التي يطحن بها ـ ، وكان المغيرة يستغله كل يوم أربعة دراهم ، قال : فلقي أبو لؤلؤة عمر ، فقال : يا أمير المؤمنين ، إن المغيرة قد أثقل عليَّ غلتي ، فكلمه أن يخفف عني . فقال له عمر : اتق الله ، وأحسن إلى مولاك ، ومن نية عمر أن يلقى المغيرة فيكلمه يخفف عنه ، فغضب العبد . وقال : وسع الناس كلهم عدله غيري ؟ ! .
فأضمر على قتله (1) ، فاصطنع خنجرًا له رأسان ، وشحذه ، وسمَّه ، ثم أتى به الْهُرْمُزان ،
فقال : كيف ترى هذا ؟ . قال : أرى أنك لا تضرب به أحدًا إلا قتلته ، قـال : فتحيَّن أبو لؤلؤة عمر ، فجاءه في صلاة الغداة (1) حتى قام وراء عمر ، وكان عمر إذا أقيمت الصلاة يتكلم يقول :
أقيموا صفوفكم ، فقال كما يقول ، فلما كبَّر ، وجأه ـ أي ضربه ـ أبو لؤلؤة وجأةً في كتفه ، ووجأهُ في خاصرته ، فسقط عمر ، وطعن بخنجره ثلاثة عشر رجلاً منهم ، فهلك منهم سبعة ، وأفرق ـ أي : برأ ـ منهم ستة ، وحُمل " عمر " فذُهِبَ به إلى منزله ، وهاج الناس حتى كادت تطلع الشمس ، فنادى عبد الرحمن بن عوف ، فصلى بهم بأقصر سورتين في القرآن .
فلما قضى صلاتَه توجهوا إلى " عمر " ، فدعا بشراب لينظر ما قدْر جُرحه ، فأتي بنبيذ فشربه ، فخرج من جرحه ، فلم يدر أنبيذ هو أو دم جرحه ، فدعا بلبن فشربه ، فخرج من جرحه ، فقالوا : لا بأس عليك يا أمير المؤمنين .
فقال ـ أي عمر ـ إن يكن القتل بأسًا فقد قُتلت ، فجعلوا يثنون عليه يقولون : جزاك الله خيرًا يا أمير المؤمنين ، كنتَ وكنتَ ، ثم ينصرفون ، ويجيء قوم آخرون فيثنون عليه ، فقال عمر : أما والله على ما يقولون ، وددتُ أني خرجتُ منها كفافًا ، لا عليَّ ولا لي ، وأن صحبة رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم قد سلمت لي .
فتكلم " عبد الله بن عباس " ، وكان عند رأسه ، وكان خليطَه كأنه من أهله ، وكان ابن عباس يقرأ القرآن ، وتكلم ابن عباس فقال :
والله لا تخرج منها كفافًا ، لقد صحبت رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فصحبته بخير ما صحبه صاحب ، كنتَ له وكنتَ له ، حتى قُبض رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ وهو عنك راضٍ ، ثم صحبتَ خليفة رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ وكنت تنفذ أوامره ، وكنتَ له ، وكنتَ له ، ثم وليتها يا أمير المؤمنين أنت ، فوليتها بخير ما وليها والٍ ، كنت تفعل وكنت تفعل ، فكان عمر يستريح إلى حديث ابن عباس .
فقال " عمر " : يا ابن عباس ، كرر عليَّ حديثك ، فكرر عليه .
فقال " عمر " أما والله على ما تقولون ، لو أن لي طِلاع ـ أي : ملؤها ـ الأرض (2) ذهبًا لافتديتُ به اليوم من هول المطلع .
صحيح التوثيق في سيرة وحياة الفاروق ... / ص : 369 : 371 .

( 1 ) صلاة الغداة : أي صلاة الفجر . ( 2 ) طلاع الأرض : ملؤها حتى يطالع أعلاه أعلاها فيساويه.

Continue Pauses with the righteous ancestors.

Abu Rafi tells us "May God bless him" and say: Abo loaloah was a slave to Al_mogerah Ibn shoaba, and he was a Magusia, and he was making the hand mill.And it's the one who grinds it.And Al_mogerah was used it every day for four dirhams, said so Abu loaloah meet Omar, and he said, Oh Prince of believers, that Al_mogerahhas weighed heavily on my yield, so if you toke to him to relieve me.
So, Omar said to him: "fear the God, and I will improve to master.And from Omar's intention to meet Al_mogerah, he will talk to him to relieve him, so the slave's anger. And he said: All people expanded his justice except me?!
So, he intended to kill him. so,he made a dagger with two heads. And sharpen it, and poison it, then he brought him to the hermzan.
So, he said, "How do you see this? He said, "I see you don't hit anyone unless you kill him".
Said: so, abo loaloah nearby Omar, so he came to him in the prayer fajir until he rises behind Omar, and Omar, if the prayer was held, he would speak and say: "Set up your lines" And he said, as he says. When he said Allah Akbar, so abo loaloah hit him in his shoulder and hit him in his waist. So, Omar fell. Thirteen of them were stabbed with his dagger, seven of them are died, exculpated six of them, and Omar has carried and token to his home.And people roared until the sun came up. So, his called Abd el_rahman ibn ouf, and he pray with them the shortest two surns in the Qur'an.When he spent his prayers, they went to Omar.He called for a drink to look at what his cut. So, he came up with wine, drank it, and he got out of his wound. He didn't know the wine or the blood of his wound. So, he called a milk and drank it, so he got out of his wound, and they said: It's okay for you, the prince of the believers.
He said "Omar" If the killing was impairment, i was killed, so they made a suppoff on him, saying: God bless you, Prince of believers.you're and you're, than they turn away, And other people come and praise him, and Omar said: As for God for what they say, I wanted to get out of it as sufficient means for a living, neither on me nor for me, And that the company of the Messenger of God has been handed over to me.
And 'Abd Allah bin Abbas' has spoken, and was at his head,His mix was like his family, Ibn Abbas was reading the Qur'an, and Ibn Abbas spoke and said : I swear that you don't get out of it as sufficient means for a living, you have accompanied the Messenger of God " Peace be upon him", so you accompany wellbeing that accompanied by a friend, You're his and you're his.Until the messenger of God was takin hold, and he is satisfied with you. Then you accompanied the caliph of the Prophet " Peace be upon him", And you were carrying out his orders. You're his and you're his, then you assuming, Prince of believers, you, so you've assuming as will his assumption assumer, you were doing and you were doing, Omar was resting to the hadith of Ibn Abbas.
He said 'Omar' Oh Ibn Abbas, repeat your talk, so he repeated about it.
and Omar said: As for God for what they say, If I had filled the earth with gold, I would have done it today from the horror of the insider.
It is true that the documentation in the biography and life of Al-Faruq Omar bin Khattab / page "369 to 371".

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