عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 02-06-2021, 12:29 PM
الصورة الرمزية أم أبي التراب
أم أبي التراب أم أبي التراب غير متواجد حالياً
غفر الله لها
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2017
المشاركات: 4,260

O God, I surrendered to you, and I turned my face to you, and entrusted my affairs to you
Al-Bukhari said in his Sahih: Muhammad ibn Muqatil told us:
He said: Abdullah told us, he said: Sufyan told us, on the authority of Mansur, on the authority of Sad bin Ubaidah, on the authority of Al-Bara Bin Azeb

He said, "The Prophet peace be upon him said: when you come to your bed, make your wudu' as if you are going to pray, then lay down on your right side and then say, "My Lord, I have submitted myself to you, have turned my face to you, I have entrusted my affairs to you, and I have turned my back to you, expecting your reward and fearing your punishment. My Lord, I have believed in the Book you have revealed, and in the Prophet you have sent. If you die during the night, you will die on the true religion. And make them the last words to say.
“Then I repeated these words to the prophet peace be upon him and I said “I have believed in the Book you have revealed and in the Messenger you have sent” so the Prophet peace be upon him said “no, say the Prophet you have sent.”

Sahih Al Bukhari. The Book of Ablution. Chapter: The Virtue of Ablution before Sleeping. Hadith no. 243
In another text: “I have submitted my soul.”

Al Bukhari said in his Sahih: Said Ibn Al Rabie and Mohammed Ibn Arar told us that Sho'ba told them that Abi Ishak Al Hamadani heard Al baraa Ibn Azeb say that the Prophet peace be upon him advised a man. "If you want to sleep say:
My Lord, I have submitted myself to you, I have turned my face towards you, I have entrusted my affairs to you, and I have turned my back to you, expecting your reward and fearing your punishment My Lord, I have believed in the Book that you have revealed, and in the Prophet you have sent. If you die during your night, you will die on the true religion.

Sahih Al Bukhari: The Book of Prayer. Chapter: What Should Be Said Before Sleeping. Hadith no. 5980.

The lesson is not just to recite the supplications without sensing them and contemplating their meanings. Because thinking is what affects the heart and increases the faith, so remember to include your heart as much as you can.
Al Taibi mentioned that this zikr “I submitted myself” has linguistic wonders which can only be understood by those who understand language perfectly. It means that all his senses are committed to Allah; to his orders and prohibitions.

This Hadith shows the proper manners for going to bed, and what is to be said when sleeping. Al Baraa Ibn Azeb, God bless him, said that the prophet peace be upon him told him “if you want to go to bed to sleep make your complete wudu' as if you are going to pray, you should be completely pure when you mention Allah.”

One could ask why we perform wudu' before sleeping? The prophet, peace be upon him, said that "sleeping is the same as death, and the paradise people do not sleep".
The narrator is Gabir Ibn Abd Allah. Albani - Sahih Al Gamee. no. 6808. The hadith is authentic.
“Sleeping is the same as death” because there are no duties in either of them, and also because in both cases, the soul is separated from the body. Since people in paradise don't die, and sleeping is the same as dying, therefore people in paradise don't sleep.

When a person sleeps, he doesn't have the capacities he has while awake and no one is sure he will get up. He is sure he is under Allah's will. If God wills, he permits his soul to return to the body. And if God doesn't will, he prohibits the soul from returning to the body.

"Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die [He takes] during their sleep. Then He keeps those for which He has decreed death and releases the others for a specified term. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought.” Azummar 42.

The prophet, peace be upon him, used to say when he goes to bed:
"O Allah, in Your Name I die and I live. And when he wakes up, he would say: “Praise is due to Allah who revived my soul after causing its death and to Him is the resurrection".

The narrator: Hozaifa Ibn El Yaman. Sahih Al Bukhari.
The prophet, peace be upon him, said, "When any of you goes to bed, he should shake off (or dust off) his bedsheet because he does not know what might have fallen on it after he had left it. Then he should recite: With Your Name, my Rabb, I place my side (upon the bed) and with Your Grace I will raise it up. If You withhold my soul (cause me to die), have mercy on it but if You let it go (let me live), guard it against that from which You guarded Your pious slaves.”

The narrator: Abu Hurairah. Sahih Al Bukhari.

With your name Allah I place my side and with your grace I raise it as there is no power but from Allah. If you withhold my soul; if you cause my death while sleeping; have mercy on it and if you let my soul go, guard it against that from which You guarded your pious slaves, and protect it from sins.

This Hadith leads us to follow the physical and religious means to protect us from the dangers of the creatures which we encounter in our sleep. If one of us knows how close he is to death in his sleep, he would prepare himself for the unknown, to purify himself before sleep, to read his Azkar, so that, if he dies, he will meet God purified.

Whoever goes to sleep in a state of purity will have an angel between his skin and clothes and he will not awaken until the angel says: O Allah, forgive your servant for he has slept with ablution.

Whoever goes to sleep with zikr and cleanliness, when he awakes at night and asks Allah for any good in this life or the hereafter, Allah responds to him.
Narrator: Moaz Ibn Gabal.
Mohadeth: Al Albani.
Source: Sahih Abi Dawood no. 5042
The Hadith is authentic.
Clean means purified from major and minor things.
This Hadith shows that zikr and cleanliness are reasons for responding to our duaa'.

Then sleep on your right side so that you could be active and sleep less and this helps you to wake-up and pray. This also has a great benefit to your heart. Ibn Hagar said that the right side has many benefits as it makes one easily alerted. Ibn Al Gawzy said that the doctors say that the right side is heathier to the body.
Then say "I turned my face to You, I submitted my soul to You". This means that I made myself all susceptible to your judgment and I am contented with this. I don't have the ability to manage it, nor to bring it what benefits it, nor to remove what damages it. Therefore, I submit myself to you when I sleep.
This means "sincerity". All my deeds are for Your sake, as no deed is accepted unless it is for God's sake.
“I turned my face to You” to ask You and request Your help and Your guidance in all my acts of worship.

“I have entrusted my affairs to You” hoping that you suffice me and protect me from all evil. “I have turned my back to You” to seek Your help. He used the back because we depend on it. I seek your protection, so please watch me (guard me) with Your eye that does not sleep.
Allah says “My Lord! since You have always been kind and gracious to me, I can never be a helper and a supporter of the guilty” - Al Qassas 17.

قَالَ رَبِّ بِمَا أَغْوَيْتَنِي لَأُزَيِّنَنَّ لَهُمْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ" الحجر:39.
Moses said that he can never be a helper to criminals because Allah was gracious to him. Kindness makes a man do right things and avoid evil things. (explained by Al Saadi.)

“I have turned my back to You”, after saying “I submitted myself to You” is a sign that there is no one but Allah who we escape to, to prevent us from inside and outside evils. I expect Your reward and fear Your punishment as we worship God with feelings of fear and desire. We fear God's punishment and seek His forgiveness. We seek His forgiveness to escape from His punishment.

This was what Ka'b Ibn Malek felt when he and his companions did not go to the battle of
Tabook. Those who had remained behind the prophet, peace be upon him, began to put forward
their excuses and take an oath before him and they were more than eighty persons.
"The prophet, peace be upon him, accepted their excuses and accepted their allegiance and
sought forgiveness for them and left their secret (intentions) to Allah, until I presented myself to
him. I greeted him and he smiled and there was a tinge of anger in his smile. He (the Holy
Prophet) then told me to come forward. I went forward until I sat in front of him. He told me:
What kept you back? Could you not afford a ride? I said yes I could. By Allah, if I were to sit in
the presence of anybody else from amongst the worldly people I would have definitely saved
myself from his anger on one pretext (or the other) and I also have the knack to argue but, by
Allah, I am fully aware of the fact that if I were to put forward before you a false excuse to
please you, Allah would definitely provoke your wrath upon me, and if I speak the truth you may
be annoyed with me. But I hope that Allah would make it end well and, by Allah, there is no valid
excuse for me.
By Allah, I never possessed better means, and I never had such favourable conditions as I had
when I stayed behind (failed to join the expedition). Thereupon, the prophet, peace be upon
him, said: "This man told the truth, so get up until Allah gives a decision in your case." Sahih Al
Why did Ka'b say the truth?
Because he had a strong belief that there is no one but Allah who we escape to.
"I have believed in the Book you have revealed" which is the Quraan, "and in the Prophet you
have sent" who is Mohammed, peace be upon him.
To be a true believer you should follow the prophet 's sunnah. The prophet said that the one
who dies during the night after saying this, he will die in the true religion which is Islam, following
the prophet's Sunnah.
Baraa' Bin Azeb was keen to memorize this hadith, so he repeated it to the prophet, peace be
upon him, and said "the Messenger you have sent", but the prophet told him "no, the prophet
you have sent", to combine between the prophecy and the message.
The difference between the Prophet and the Messenger. Some scholars said that there is a
difference between them but some said there is no difference between them; which is the truth.
The origin is to establish and not to confirm.
Abu Al baqaa' Al Kafoy said, in the book of "Kolyat" page 1065, that establishment is better than
confirmation; as the meaning is better than repetition.
Then they disagreed.
Al Ayni said in "1/116 "الهدايه شرح البنايه ,the difference between the Prophet and the Messenger is
that the Messenger is the one who delivers the revelation and has got a book from Allah, but the
prophet delivers the revelation with or without a book from Allah. This also was said by Sheikh
Kawam Al Din Alatrazy - Islam question & answer.
Prophets are like Messengers but they were given the message, peace be upon them all.

The prophet, peace be upon him, said "I am the prophet, not lying, I am the son of Abd El Motaleb, please God grant us your victory. Sahih Moslem.

The prophet's prophecy prepares him for his missionary duties. What is the aim of replacing the word messenger with the word prophet every though they are the same?

This is a lesson from the prophet, peace be upon him, to us.
This zikr is from worships.
The core of worship is obeying all internal and external words and actions that Allah loves.
Al zikr is one of the things that Allah loves and this is why the prophet, peace be upon him, taught his companions (sahaba) and he asked them to say it. Zikr is from duaa' and duaa' is from worship. Then we have to stick to the words of the duaa' as it was said by the prophet. This proves that worship is "confined". Confined means we have to stick to what came in our religion without increasing or decreasing or changing, even if one sees that change is better. The wise man should stick to this rule in all his worships as the reason is the same.

This hadith reveals to us how caring the prophet was, peace be upon him, about his Ummah, in this world and in the hereafter. How careful he was that his Ummah dies obeying Allah.
In this hadith the prophet, peace be upon him, makes his Ummah say this duaa' before sleeping and make these words their last words words.
So we have to follow all the means as if they are everything and trust Allah as if the means are nothing.
With Allah there is no clever person. Man could be hurt unexpectedly. The smart person could be hurt through his own specialization. I was in America, and there was a first class doctor, with the American board, who suffered from a disease related to his won specialization, he didn't believe that he could suffer from the same disease he heals people from.

This great prayer includes in its meanings and declarations what every believer needs.
It includes trust, fear, hope, glorification, acknowledgement of the Quran and prophecy.
Please Allah let us remember you all the time.

رد مع اقتباس