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قديم 01-05-2019, 06:36 AM
الصورة الرمزية أم أبي التراب
أم أبي التراب أم أبي التراب غير متواجد حالياً
غفر الله لها
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2017
المشاركات: 4,262
Post أنواع التواضع وأقسامه -Different kinds of humility

أنواع التواضع وأقسامه

Different kinds of humility


أعاني من نفسي ميلًا إلى الكبر على الناس والتعالي عليهم وأحب أن أكون متواضعًا فأرجو أن تذكروا لي شيئًا من فضل التواضع وأنواعه لعل الله أن يشرح صدري له .
نص الجواب:

الحمد لله
التواضع أعظم نعمة أنعم الله بها على العبد ، قال تعالى " فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ" آل عمران / 159 ، وقال تعالى "وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ" القلم / 4 ، وهو قيامه صلى الله عليه وسلم بعبودية الله المتنوعة ، وبالإحسان الكامل للخلق ، فكان خلُقه صلى الله عليه وسلم التواضع التام الذي روحه الإخلاص لله والحنو على عباد الله ، ضد أوصاف المتكبرين من كل وجه .
" المجموعة الكاملة لمؤلفات الشيخ السعدي " 5 / 442 ، 443 .
°وللتواضع أسباب لا يكون المسلم متخلقًّا به إلا بتحصيلها ، وقد بيَّنها الإمام ابن القيم بقوله :
التواضع يتولد من العلم بالله سبحانه ، ومعرفة أسمائه وصفاته ، ونعوت جلاله ، وتعظيمه ، ومحبته وإجلاله ، ومن معرفته بنفسه وتفاصيلها ، وعيوب عملها وآفاتها ، فيتولد من بين ذلك كله خلق هو " التواضع " ، وهو انكسار القلب لله ، وخفض جناح الذل والرحمة بعباده ، فلا يرى له على أحدٍ فضلًا ، ولا يرى له عند أحدٍ حقًّا ، بل يرى الفضل للناس عليه ، والحقوق لهم قِبَلَه ، وهذا خلُق إنما يعطيه الله عز وجل من يحبُّه ، ويكرمه ، ويقربه .
" الروح " ص 233 .
°وقد جاء في ثواب التواضع الفضل الكبير ، ومنه :
عن أبي هريرة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال " ما نقصت صدقةٌ من مال ، وما زاد الله عبدًا بعفوٍ إلا عزًّا ، وما تواضع أحدٌ لله إلا رفعه الله " .
رواه مسلم : 2588 - وبوَّب عليه النووي بقوله " استحباب العفو والتواضع.
°قال النووي :
قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم " وما تواضع أحد لله إلا رفعه الله " فيه وجهان : أحدهما : يرفعه في الدنيا , ويثبت له بتواضعه في القلوب منزلة , ويرفعه الله عند الناس , ويجل مكانه .
والثاني : أن المراد ثوابه في الآخرة , ورفعه فيها بتواضعه في الدنيا .
قال العلماء : وقد يكون المراد الوجهين معا في جميعها في الدنيا والآخرة ، والله أعلم .
" شرح مسلم " 16 / 142 .
°والتواضع يكون في أشياء ، منها :
1. تواضع العبد عند أمر الله امتثالًا وعند نهيه اجتنابًا .
قال ابن القيم :
فإن النفس لطلب الراحة تتلكأ في أمره ، فيبدو منها نوع إباء هربًا من العبودية ، وتتوقف عند نهيه طلبًا للظفر بما منع منه ، فإذا وضع العبد نفسه لأمر الله ونهيه : فقد تواضع للعبودية .
" الروح " ص 233 . بتصرف .
2. تواضعه لعظمة الرب وجلاله وخضوعه لعزته وكبريائه.
°قال ابن القيم :
فكلما شمخت نفسُه : ذَكَر عظمة الرب تعالى ، وتفرده بذلك ، وغضبه الشديد على من نازعه ذلك ، فتواضعت إليه نفسه ، وانكسر لعظمة الله قلبه ، واطمأن لهيبته ، وأخْبت لسلطانه ، فهذا غاية التواضع ، وهو يستلزم الأول من غير عكس . أي يستلزم التواضع لأمر الله ونهيه ، وقد يتواضع لأمر الله ونهيه من لم يتواضع لعظمته .
والمتواضع حقيقة : من رزق الأمرين ، والله المستعان .
" الروح " ص 233 .
3. التواضع في اللباس والمشية .
عن ابن عمر أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : " بينما رجل يجرُّ إزاره من الخيلاء خُسف به فهو يتجلجل في الأرض إلى يوم القيامة " .
رواه البخاري : 3297 . ورواه البخاري : 5452 - ومسلم : 2088 .

من حديث أبي هريرة ، ولفظ البخاري " بينما رجل يمشي في حلُّة تعجبه نفسه مرجِّل جمَُّته إذ خَسف الله به فهو يتجلجل إلى يوم القيامة " .
يتجلجل : ينزل في الأرض مضطربًا متدافعًا .
مرجل جمته : الترجيل هو تسريح الشعر ودهنه .
والجمة : هي الشعر المتدلي من الرأس إلى المنكبين .
4. التواضع مع المفضول فيعمل معه ويعينه .
عن البراء بن عازب قال كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ينقل معنا التراب يوم الأحزاب ولقد رأيته وارى التراب بياض بطنه يقول : لولا أنت ما اهتدينا نحن ولا تصدقنا ولا صلينا فأنزلن سكينة علينا إن الألى وربما قال الملا قد بغوا علينا إذا أرادوا فتنة أبينا أبينا يرفع بها صوته .
رواه البخاري : 6809 - ومسلم: 1803 .
5. التواضع في التعامل مع الزوجة وإعانتها .
عن الأسود قال : سألتُ عائشة ما كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يصنع في بيته ؟ قالت : كان يكون في مهنة أهله - تعني : خدمة أهله - ، فإذا حضرت الصلاة خرج إلى الصلاة .رواه البخاري : 644 .
قال الحافظ ابن حجر :
وفيه : الترغيب في التواضع وترك التكبر ، وخدمة الرجل أهله ." فتح الباري " 2 / 163 .
6. التواضع مع الصغار وممازحتهم
عن أنس قال : كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أحسنَ الناس خلُقاً ، وكان لي أخ يقال له " أبو عمير " - قال : أحسبه فطيمًا - وكان إذا جاء قال : يا أبا عمير ما فعل النغير . رواه البخاري : 5850 - ومسلم : 2150 .
قال النووي :
" النُّغيْر " وهو طائر صغير .
و" الفطيم " بمعنى المفطوم .
وفي هذا الحديث فوائد كثيرة جدًّا منها : ... ملاطفة الصبيان وتأنيسهم , وبيان ما كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عليه من حسن الخلُق وكرم الشمائل والتواضع .
" شرح مسلم " 14 / 129 .
7. التواضع مع الخدم والعبيد .
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : " إذا أتى أحدَكم خادمُه بطعامه فإن لم يجلسه معه فليناوله لقمة أو لقمتين أو أكلة أو أكلتين فإنه وليَ حرَّه وعلاجَه . رواه البخاري : 2418 - و 5144 - ومسلم : 1663 .
ومعنى " ولي حرَّه وعلاجه " أي عانى مشقة صُنع الطعام والقيام على تقديمه ، وفي رواية مسلم " وليَ حرَّه ودخانه " .
نسأل الله تعالى أن يجعلنا من المتواضعين لعظمته .
والله أعلم .

المصدر: الإسلام سؤال وجواب*
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-05-2019, 06:39 AM
الصورة الرمزية أم أبي التراب
أم أبي التراب أم أبي التراب غير متواجد حالياً
غفر الله لها
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2017
المشاركات: 4,262

Different kinds of humility


I suffer from an inclination to be arrogant towards people and to feel superior towards them, and I would like to be humble. I hope that you can tell me something about the virtues of humility and its various types so that Allaah may open my heart towards it.


Praise be to Allaah. Humility is one of the greatest blessings that Allaah can bestow upon His slave. He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And by the Mercy of Allaah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you”
[Aal ‘Imraan 3:159]
“And verily, you (O Muhammad) are on an exalted (standard of) character”
[al-Qalam 68:4]
This refers to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) being a true slave of Allaah in many ways and his treating all people with the utmost kindness. His character was one of complete humility based on sincerity towards Allaah and compassion towards the slaves of Allaah, which was the complete opposite of the characteristics of the proud and arrogant.
Al-Majmoo’ al-Kaamilah li Mu’allafaat al-Shaykh al-Sa’di, 5/442, 443
There are many means of attaining humility, which no Muslim adopts but he will attain this characteristic. They were explained by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim as follows:
Humility comes from knowing about Allaah and His names and attributes, and His greatness, venerating Him, loving Him and being in awe of Him; and also from knowing about oneself and one’s faults, and weaknesses. From that may develop the attitude of humility, which means feeling helpless before Allaah, and being humble and compassionate towards His slaves, so that the person does not feel superior towards anyone, or think that he has any rights over anyone else; rather he thinks that others are better than him, and that their rights come before his. This is a characteristic that Allaah gives to those whom He loves, honours and draws close to Him.
Al-Rooh, p. 233.
There are many reports which speak of the reward of humility. For example:
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Wealth does not decrease because of charity, and Allaah increases His slave in honour when he forgives others. And no one humbles himself before Allaah but Allaah will raise him (in status).”
Narrated by Muslim, 2588. Al-Nawawi included it in a chapter entitled: “The recommendation of forgiveness and humility.”
Al-Nawawi said:
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “And no one humbles himself before Allaah but Allaah will raise him (in status).” This is understood in two ways: the first is that He will raise him (in status) in this world, and give him status in people’s hearts because of his humility, and give him a high status in people’s eyes. The second is that what is meant is his reward in the Hereafter, where his status will be raised because of his humility in this world.
The scholars said: It may be that both are meant, (and that his status will be raised) both in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allaah knows best.
Sharh Muslim, 16/142.
Humility may mean various things, such as:
1.A person humbling himself to the commands and prohibitions of Allaah, doing what He commands and avoiding what He forbids.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
Because a person may hesitate to obey His commands out of laziness, thus behaving in a reluctant way in an attempt to flee from servitude towards Allaah, and his soul may have the desire to commit haraam actions, but when the person humbles himself to the commands and prohibitions of Allaah, he will humble himself to true submission (‘uboodiyyah).
Al-Rooh p. 233.
2.Humbling oneself before the might, majesty and power of Allaah.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
Every time he feels that he is great, he remembers the might of Allaah and that might belongs to Him only, and he remembers His intense anger against those who compete with Him in that, then he humbles himself before Him and submits to the might of Allaah. This is the ultimate humility and inevitably includes the first type of humility mentioned above, but the converse can never apply (i.e., this type of humility inevitably leads to the first type, but a person may submit to the commands and prohibitions of Allaah but he does not humble himself before His might).
The one who is truly humble is the one who is blessed with both. And Allaah is the One Whose help we seek.
Al-Rooh, p. 233.
3.Humility in one’s dress and manner of walking.
It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whilst a man was letting his garment drag out of pride, he was swallowed up by the earth and will continue sinking in it until the Day of Resurrection.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3297.
It was also narrated by al-Bukhaari (5452) and Muslim (2088) from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah. According to the version narrated by al-Bukhaari: “Whilst a man was walking in a garment admiring himself with his hair nicely combed, Allaah caused (the earth) to swallow him up and he will continue sinking in it until the Day of Resurrection.”
4.Humility towards one who is of a lesser status and helping him
It was narrated that al-Bara’ ibn ‘Aazib said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was moving soil with us on the day of al-Ahzaab, and I saw him with dust covering the whiteness of his stomach, and he (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) was saying, “(O Allaah)! Without You, we would not have been guided, nor would we have given in charity, nor would we have prayed. So (O Allaah!) send tranquility (Sakeenah) upon us as they (the chiefs of the enemy tribes) have rebelled against us. And if they intend affliction (i.e. want to frighten us and fight against us) then we would not (flee but would withstand them).” And he raised his voice whilst saying it.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6809; Muslim, 1803.
5.Humility in interactions with one’s wife and helping her.
It was narrated that al-Aswad said: I asked ‘Aa’ishah what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to do in his house, and she said: He used to serve his family and when the time for prayer came he would go out and pray.
al-Bukhaari, 644.
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said:
This shows that we are encouraged to be humble and not arrogant, and that a man should serve his family.
Fath al-Baari, 2/163
6.Humility towards the young and joking with them.
It was narrated that Anas said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the best of people in character. I had a brother whose name was Abu ‘Umayr. He said, I think he was weaned, and when he (the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)) came he would say, “O Abu Umayr, what happened to the nughayr (a small bird that he kept as a pet)?”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5850; Muslim, 2150.
Al-Nawawi said:
The nughayr is a small bird.
This hadeeth teaches us many things, such as being kind to small children. This demonstrates the good character of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and how he was of noble character and humble.
Sharh Muslim, 14/129
7.Humility towards servants and slaves
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If the servant of one of you brings his food and he does not want to make him sit and eat with him, then let him offer him a morsel or two, because he has prepared it and served it.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2418 and 5144; Muslim, 1663.
We ask Allaah to make us among those who humble themselves before His might.
And Allaah knows best.

Source: Islam Q&A

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